Meet Primrose Cat!
She loves food, glorious food!
Join Primrose as she enjoys trying all sorts of delicious foods from around the world! What will she eat in Japan?
Primrose also loves the great outdoors, singing and dancing and playing her ukelele.
Come along for a sing-along!
She lives in a beautiful tree house!
High above the ground is where Primrose feels most at home.
Come and take a look around!
She loves nature, and she enjoys the delightful smell of fragrant flowers that wafts in her windows, when her tree is flowering each springtime.
She plans the most amazing adventures!
Primrose loves to surprise her best friend, Blossom, with wonderful journeys to amazing places around the world. She keeps her guessing along the way, planning fun activities, interesting experiences, and opportunities to learn new customs in the countries that they visit.
Primrose is a very supportive friend to Blossom, encouraging her to try new things, and overcome her fears and worries. What new experiences will Blossom be faced with when they travel to Japan?
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